Tuesday, March 17, 2009

we're not going to the moon or anything

I'm back!  Needed a little hiatus from the blog, but today's snow has already melted, and there's a new set of grow lights in the basement for starts (pictures later.)

But today, I have to share this movie.  You might learn something about cold frames if you've never thought about building one before. Whatever you do, don't let this guy teach your kids math.  

Maybe I just liked it because Emma eats tomatoes and apples, too.


Victoria Williams said...

Nice to see you back!

Ali said...


Anonymous said...

Good to see you! I know what you mean about needing a break...

African Kelli said...

So glad you are back!

the larsons said...

Welcome back. We're getting back to it, too. Remind me who Emma is?

Daisy said...

Emma's the wonderdog! the black lab extrodinaire! my snuggle-pup fantastic!

Sharon said...

First-time viewer/reader: I watched the video, and smiled my way through it. I liked it because it you showed all the wrinkles and imperfections, much like most of us out here would have had were we doing this ourselves. Every time I take on a project, it always seem to double in time needed with unexpected problems! Anyway, thanks! I enjoyed watching and will come back and look for more.