Monday, February 25, 2008

a baby in the greenhouse

Greenhouses and babies. Two of my favorite things...

Yesterday, I was feeling pretty low. Anyone ever heard Kris Kristofferson's version of "Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down?" My dad sent it to me in college as a joke pick-me-up. He said, "Sundays are hard. I thought this might help get you through it." I'm not sure what about that melancholy tune made my dad think it would be helpful, but I guess I still smile at how ridiculous it was to snuggle up with that song on a dreary Sunday when I didn't want to think about class the next morning...

Yesterday was definitely one of those days. It was rainy and muddy and sleety and gross, and I really didn't want to have to start another week of work. I was moping around the house when I got the call. "There's a baby in the greenhouse." Whatever it was I was doing was immediately dropped, and off I went.

Boy, that baby sure can lift my mood!

At least someone was working...

And, the master greenskeeper in white, Myosotis.

1 comment:

African Kelli said...

I thought I was going to see a photo of a tiny bulb popping through the soil -- but no! An actual sweet baby. So cute.