My baskets are all different but contain alyssum, petunias, geranium, and lobelia. I'd never heard of osteospermum, and consequently don't have any in my baskets. But, it's in a lot of the hanging baskets here - I'm getting some seeds next year for sure.
Since I had to water a lot last year, I'm putting a layer of plastic in my baskets to see if it helps reduce the evaporation. I'm also sprinkling in some osmocote because I read that petunias get really hungry. I totally dig petunias. They're in every basket/pot I own.

Things are going well out at the community garden plot. I reused some landscape cloth that I found on my plot, and I just put it down "as-was. " Turns out, I needed to cut the holes bigger. Apparently, someone else either put seeds in the holes or started with some really small starts. My starts were too big, and needed a little more room. The luffa are pretty sad. Their stalks are firm, and the handyman and I have hopes that they will revive themselves - but the outlook isn't bright. The zukes and pumpkins look great, so I'm already making room in the freezer. Can't wait to stock up again for the winter...