That's all of it minus the three trays of gerber daisies, confelowers, and holly hocks that I started on the last two trips out there. I'm tempted to list everything we've started (I'm keeping a garden journal to document my gradual disconnect with reality), but I'm too embarrassed that you'll judge the girl who knows little-to-nothing about gardening for her over-indulgent seed-planting. And I figure if I write in third person, you'll never know who that is...
I will give you a list of what's sprouted though: patio princess tomatoes, dahlias, petunias, lobelias, oregano, cabbage (golden acre - the reds haven't done anything), romaine, leaf lettuce, and geraniums. Once the starts poke their first leaves through the soil, I draw a diagram of the tray in my journal. That way, I can track what's been there for a little while and what's brandy-new. After hearing my excitement level sustain itself in squeals day after day, the handyman commented, "Every day's like Christmas around here." It's true. It's better than Christmas. Those seeds are so tiny. It's amazing to think that anything can grow from them at all!

The handyman took some raspberry starts and threw them in a bucket with some random dirt. If "random" doesn't raise flags, the caption for the last picture is. "Hey, I think there are aphids in here."
(The raspberries were quickly moved outside and to the handyman's home where he said words of magic and sprinkled fairy dust to make them all better... Or something like that. I'm still learning.)
1 comment:
I love watching your little plants grow! I'm being lazy and buying almost everything already started this year, but maybe next year I'll get more adventurous. We're working on our raised bed...slower process than I thought it would be, lol.
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