Speaking of tomatoes, the patio princesses have all shown up:

The petunias still look good:

The thumbelina zinnias came up really fast. (I've got some summer cutting mix and burpee's giant mix that have come up, too, but they were having a bad hair day and didn't want their pictures taken).

These little guys looked like four-leaf clovers not too long ago. I wonder if cabbage is anywhere close to the clover family...

This is the first of the morning glories, and its almost here.... (insert comically strained voice over "almost.")

This is the handyman's new pet project. He pulled a mission impossible and snuck along the neighbors' fence to get grape shoots which he rolled in root hormone and stuck in dirt.

(Okay... so Gibson gave him permission, but it's much more fun to imagine him sneaking around... He and I DID stage a mission impossible over there last year though. During a barbeque, we snuck from the handyman's house across the street, crawled on our stomachs military-style past the barbecue with all the extra sunflowers, and planted them in his yard. Took him several days to notice. Totally fun sunflower sabotage.)
I love the pictures, it looks great and fun. I long for a garden.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Love yours. I now have greenhouse envy! Are our greenhouses ever big enough? Your petunia seedlings look great. Mine are still tiny things.
I'll be back!
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