I did, however, learn some new interesting things about Norway while he was here:
1. I already knew that everything is much more expensive in Norway. Bjorn's shopping habits when he visits definitely make that obvious. And taxes? Whoa. If you buy stuff from the States and have it shipped, you're gonna pay big time. If you buy a guitar and tell Customs that it's brand new, you're gonna pay big time. (Which is when you rough up your case, don your traveling minstrel's outfit, and pull out your fake folk singer tour flyers). But, if you'd like to return home with a few books, or a few hundred, Customs asks for no $$. You can bring as many as you want. I'd give a lot of books for Christmas presents in that case...
2. A popular condiment consists of mayonaise in a tube. I hate mayonaise and have gagged a little as I write, but it's true. Imagine a toothpaste tube with shrimp-flavored mayonaise... or bacon-flavored mayonaise. (oof. I think I threw up a little in my mouth imaging the last one.)
3. Norwegians are paying about 13 kroner per liter of gas. I suffered through several conversations on converting kroners to dollors and liters and gallons, etc. It made me appreciate the fact that I hate math and am dating a human calculator. It's all about picking teammates folks. I'm forced to listen to the math, but I least I don't have to do the math when I don't want to.
I think that's almost enough about Norway for the day. I should mention that I'm pretty tickled I have a Norwegian reader (Hi there!). Now that I know someone, somewhere in Norway, comes to read every once in a while, I've decided that even though it's not a new project, I'm posting pictures of the Handyman's Christmas presents from me.
The first is the prototype, followed by the other, more creative, endeavors. There are four more cut and ready to be made, but my sweatshop gave out before I could get them done. (Just kidding, Mama! Your sewing-defecient daughter REALLY appreciates all of your help with those! I'll be back in December!)
So for the Norwegian who's departed, for the Norwegian who's reading this, and for the Norwegian who's handy, I give you a flag-frenzy!

(They're placemats, by the way. I read online that you can't make a flag into a tablecloth, but they didn't say anything about placemats!)
:-D it's me again, the Norwegeian who's reading your blog.
about the mayonaise (wich we call majones), the most popular brand comes in a metal'ish tube and kinda in the shape of a toothpastetube, and the colour of the mayonaise is bright yellow, almost white. We don't have baconflavoured, but we do have garlic and lemon. And we also have a tube with mayonaise and kaviar blended together! (bet you threw up again in your mouth now)
gas is expensive here, when I was in the states a few years ago people complainded about the prices, but we pay way more than you. And number one, well yes, we have to pay taxes for everything over 200 norwegian kroner, it ridiciolus, but it's norway :p
Mayo in a tube!! Are you kidding me? I am so moving to Norway...sorry you will not be joining me in my mayo quest.
what do you have mayo in? jars?
Yep, jars. And the little plastic packets that you get with a hamburger at the fast food restaurants, like McDonald's. I have had the unfortunate opportunity to experience the large, two-gallon metal tin cans of mayonnaise commonly found in the food service industry world... boy, that was a tough job. (and great motivation to stay in school and get a different job!).
But yes, our mayo is found most often in glass or plastic jars. At least the last time I checked. I avert my eyes in that aisle of the grocery!
we don't even have mayo in McDonalds here, (but happy meals comes with babycarrots now, cause that's just what my kids want when we go to McD's?)americans are aparently big on mayo, a little tube is not enough, you have to have it on jars :p
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